How do I choose the right sauna for my needs?

Choosing the right sauna depends on factors like available space, desired features, budget, and personal preferences. Learn more by reading our blog post.

Do you offer installation services?

Our saunas are designed for easy assembly, but we currently offer installation services for Austin, Texas and surrounding areas. Contact us for more information.

What maintenance is required for a sauna?

Regular maintenance includes cleaning the interior surfaces, checking and replacing heating elements (if applicable), and inspecting the wood for any signs of wear or damage. We provide maintenance tips and can recommend products to keep your sauna in optimal condition. Read more about this on our blog.

How can I finance my sauna purchase?

We offer installment payments through Shop Pay to make purchasing a sauna more accessible. Just select Shop Pay as the payment option during checkout, and choose an installment option.

What is the warranty coverage for your saunas?

Our saunas come with manufacturer warranties that cover various components, such as heaters, controls, and structural elements. Warranty details may vary by product, and our team can provide specific information about coverage and terms.

How long does it take to heat up a sauna?

Heating times vary depending on the type of sauna and its size. Traditional saunas typically take 30-45 minutes to reach optimal temperature, while infrared saunas heat up more quickly, usually within 10-15 minutes.

What is the difference between a dry sauna and a wet sauna?

The main difference between a dry sauna and a wet sauna lies in the humidity level and the method of generating heat. Here's a breakdown of each type:

1. Dry Sauna (Traditional Sauna):
- Heat Source: Dry saunas typically use electric heaters, wood stoves, or infrared lamps to heat the air inside the sauna room.
- Humidity: Dry saunas have low humidity levels, generally ranging from 5% to 20%. This low humidity allows for higher temperatures without feeling excessively hot and stifling.
- Temperature: Dry saunas typically operate at higher temperatures, often between 160°F to 200°F (71°C to 93°C). The intense dry heat helps induce sweating and promotes relaxation.
- Experience: In a dry sauna, you'll experience a very dry heat, which can be perceived as more intense due to the lack of moisture in the air.

2. Wet Sauna (Steam Room):
- Heat Source: Wet saunas, commonly known as steam rooms, generate heat by boiling water and producing steam. The steam is then dispersed into the room to raise the temperature.
- Humidity: Steam rooms have high humidity levels, typically ranging from 100% (fully saturated air) to 114%. The air feels moist and warm due to the presence of steam.
- Temperature: Steam rooms are generally kept at a lower temperature compared to dry saunas, typically around 110°F to 120°F (43°C to 49°C). Despite the lower temperature, the high humidity can make it feel equally intense.
- Experience: In a wet sauna or steam room, the moist heat can feel soothing and is often considered more gentle on the respiratory system. The high humidity can also open up the pores and help with congestion.

Key Differences:
- Dry saunas use dry heat with low humidity, while wet saunas (steam rooms) use moist heat with high humidity.
- Dry saunas are typically hotter (temperature-wise) than wet saunas.
- Dry saunas may feel more intense due to the dry heat, whereas wet saunas can feel more relaxing and easier to breathe in due to the steam.

Both types of saunas offer health benefits such as relaxation, improved circulation, detoxification through sweating, and potential relief from muscle tension. The choice between a dry sauna and a wet sauna often comes down to personal preference based on the experience desired and any health considerations.

Are saunas safe for everyone to use?

Saunas are safe for most people, but individuals with certain health conditions (such as heart disease, pregnancy, or high blood pressure) should consult with a healthcare professional before using a sauna.

Have more questions? Contact us today to speak with a sauna expert and learn more about how owning a sauna can enhance your lifestyle and well-being.